4 Coolest Wearable Gadgets You Can Buy

Wearable Technologies are all the rage in this year. More than 52% of users around the world are using wearable gadgets.

Wearables have certainly made its mark on the world. Tech companies are shipping new devices every day with much of evolution and innovation. Wearable technology drives people to look at fitness with a different perspective. Using these wearable gadgets have also become a unique kind of social standard. We have listed top 4 coolest wearable gadgets that you should consider owning.

1. Fitbit Alta 

Fitness enthusiasts all over the world have been using Fitbit’s range of wristbands to track their fitness routine. In addition to tracking steps, calories and distance, Fitbit Alta HR automatically track your sleeping pattern and stages. Fitbit PurePulse tracks heart rate continuously on your wrist without having to wear a chest strap. This gadget is equipped with additional features like the customizable clock, auto-tracking workouts and a long lasting battery that lasts up to 7 days. Designed to be the slimmest of its kind, Fitbit Alta HR allows its customers to interchange bands and color co-ordinate outfits.

2. Oculus Rift

Oculus, the fastest evolving VR creator has Oculus Rift. Equipped with its amazing advanced display and low latency constellation tracking system, the Oculus Rift enables its users to experience Virtual Reality with a real-feel of presence and immersion. The wearable is designed to be comfortable, adaptable and beautiful at all times. The intuitive hand gestures in Oculus feel so real that you’ll experience VR as if you are really there. Oculus has also launched the most unique “Lone Echo” game series which allows gamers to experience a zero-gravity environment through Virtual Reality.

3. JBL UA wireless heart rate headphones

JBL UA wireless heart rate headphones offer amazing sound and bass quality. The unique feature is that they come equipped with a heart rate monitor built right into the headphones. These headphones are designed especially for active users as they don’t fall off even when doing vigorous workouts and they don’t hurt the ears either. With the MapMyfitness membership, users can get direct coaching and feedback into the ears rather than fiddling with wristbands or phones. JBL UA headphones are sweat proof and come with a battery that lasts longer than 7 days.

4. Swarovski USB necklace

Although this product isn’t high tech or complex, there lies beauty in its simplicity. Everybody knows about Swarovski and the great sales that they make on Valentine’s Day. But did you know that Swarovski manufactures necklaces with built in USB devices? Well, they do. Swarovski USB necklace is a small, compact, heart-shaped necklace that comes with a built in USB device. Simple and efficient in its use, it is a great hack to avoid misplacing your USB. It is the ultimate blend of elegant jewelry and simple technology and would make a great gift for the tech-savvy girlfriend.

Microsoft Paint to be killed off after 32 years

Long-standing basic graphics editing program, used throughout childhoods since the 1980s, has been marked for death.

Microsoft’s next Windows 10 update, called the Autumn (or Fall in the US) Creators Update, will bring a variety of new features. But one long-standing stalwart of the Windows experience has been put on the chopping block: Microsoft Paint.

First released with the very first version of Windows 1.0 in 1985, Paint in its various guises would be one of the first graphics editors used by many and became a core part of Windows. Starting life as a 1-bit monochrome licensed version of ZSoft’s PC Paintbrush, it wasn’t until Windows 98 that Paint could save in JPEG.

With the Windows 10 Creators Update, released in April, Microsoft introduced the new Paint 3D, which is installed alongside traditional Paint and features 3D image making tools as well as some basic 2D image editing. But it is not an update to original Paint and doesn’t behave like it.

Now Microsoft has announced that, alongside Outlook Express, Reader app and Reading list, Microsoft Paint has been signalled for death having been added to the “features that are removed or deprecated in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update” list.

Falling under the deprecated column for apps that are “not in active development and might be removed in future releases”, Microsoft Paint’s ticket has been called and now it’s only a matter of time before it is removed like your favourite piece of old furniture from your childhood home.

Paint was never one of the most capable apps, and was limited to the bitmap (BMP) and PCX formats until 1998, but if you wanted to scribble something out using your mouse or make a quick cut and paste job, Paint was always there, even on work computers.

The most recent version of Paint for Windows 7 and later was much improved, but still considered feature poor compared to other free alternatives such as the third-party Paint.NET.

When Microsoft Paint will officially be removed from Windows has yet to be confirmed, while a precise date for the release of the Windows 10 Autumn Creators Update is equally up in the air. Whether, like Clippy, Windows users will celebrate or decry Paint’s removal, it will be a moment in the history of Windows as one of its longest-standing apps is put out to pasture.